T: +86 (10) 5618 3636
@: cs@realexpress-bjs.com@: larry.liang@realexpress-bjs.com
C302 TianZhu Vanke Center, No.3 Jin Hang Middle Road , Shunyi
District 101300Beijing China
GM: Larry (Peng) Liang
M: +86 13701068266WORLDWIDE MEMBER
The Ministry of information industry and other relevant departments agreed that information technology is to promote productivity development in China, pointed out that the B2B (business to business) business has great potential, and B2C (business to consumer) e-commerce is to keep China's economy continues to boom of the important factors.China has a number of very large groups of Internet users, these potential sea Amoy users outbreak of existing online payment system and cross-border logistics system formed a huge challenge. Therefore the Chinese government in 2010 introduction, update relevant system to deal with electronic commerce tide.